First, at 7 pm on NBC, we have Chuck. This show is wrapping up it's 4th season, and it's amazingly hysterical. The nerd we all want to be with a super CIA computer in his brain, fighting crime in the most amazingly awesome geek way possible. High stakes UNO games over possession of a nuclear weapon, disarming said nuclear weapon with a juice box, and this week staging a break-in to a secured location using a plan concocted entirely from Star Wars. I've never laughed so hard watching any show as much as this one, and if you don't fall for the characters after 2 episodes, you may need professional help. If you've ever referenced a sci-fi movie, video game or comic book in regular conversation, this show is for you. Secret weapon: Adam Baldwin's love for guns..
Then, after pretending that I don't watch at least some of Dancing with the Stars, at 9 o'clock on ABC we have my other favorite show, Castle. Nathan Fillion (always watchable, even as Captain Hammer) stars as Richard Castle, a mystery novelist who follows around a female detective to base his book off her. The premise is no less reasonable than most crime procedural shows, and honestly the premise isn't what draws me to this show. The characters are some of the most fully-fleshed out that I've ever seen in a crime drama, and the relationships between them are the real reason to tune in to this show, after the antics of man-child Fillion of course. I'll be honest, I'd watch pretty much anything Fillion does just because I can't see him smirk without laughing. Secret weapon: Fillion's Castle one-liners and fancy toys.
So, now that I've spilt my guts about my TV favorites, let me know what your shows are. Because when the mainstream audience fails to adopt these show and they're canned, I'm going to need something else to watch. And if you are in the business of making TV shows, apparently all you need the please me is an impossible crime fighting premise and a cast-off actor from Firefly. (I'm seeing Alan Tudyk as a schoolteacher who fights crime with history lessons. Make it happen!)