

I recently read a book entitled Extras, by Scott Westerfield. The premise behind the story is a fictional city where the economy is based on fame. Those who are famous receive all of their needs and wants for free. Those who are not must work for their living. So, in order to raise fame, they post articles to their feeds (or blogs), in order to receive pings (or hits) to raise their fame.

Anyway, long story short, I am apparently attempting to become famous by creating a blog so amazing you must all read it, so that people will give me stuff for free. What you can learn from modern literature, huh?

In all actuality, starting a "blog" has been something I have avoided for quite sometime, and not just for my terrible typing skills. (If you don't believe me, just ask my wife. Without her editing, this would be difficult to read, trust me.) But since I've apparently caved to peer pressure, lets set some ground rules. (Seriously, I misspell at least one word per sentence, including this one!)

No overly emotional posts. (I miss my girlfriend so much ....)
No cutesy or sensational pictures. (Unless that particular "lol-cat" is really funny ...)
No promises of how often I will post, as I refuse to (admittedly) spend all day online.
And whatever else that has always bugged me about blogging, which will come to me later, I'm sure.

So, there you have it. By the way, if anyone wants to try to interpret the title of this blog for me, feel free. Not only will you be wrong, but I will appreciate your insights (or something).

P.S. My inspiration for this post is a combination of Strong Bad E-mails and Dogbert's Ruling Class, so reader beware.

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